I had the honor of working for the late Ralph Wesley Foody in Lexington, Kentucky. It was really neat to chat with Mr. Foody. The biggest thrill was when Becky, Elliot, and Hunter came one day to get me after working and Mr. Foody walked out in the snow with his tailor made Home Alone leather jacket on and opened our van door and stuck his head in and repeated his famous Home Alone line something like, "You low down, keep the change you dirty rotten animal" to Elliot and gave him an 8x11 black and white Home Alone autographed picture. I had previously told him that Elliot had learn all the lines. It was an AWESOME chill to witness Mr. Foody humbling down for little Elliot. With this picture Elliot will never be "home alone."

Read his obituary at: http://www.suntimes.com/output/obituaries/xfood28.html


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